
Care about adults and children

In recent years, the share of the elderly has been increasing. Many of them live alone. The purpose of the described solution is to provide a set of tools to their relatives for delicate tracking of their common activity, their activity related to certain actions, their condition and behaviour, sleep conditions, and need for help or continuous measuring of person's temperature as well as.

An important part of the Care solution is tracking the common activity of an old person living alone, as well as his activity for some actions that are important for him. It can also be used for other categories of home residents living alone or in a family. For example, sick people at home, who must be monitored remotely by their relatives. Or use by parents when children are alone at home and their living environment must be monitored for safety.

Another important task is the so-called tracking of condition. Comparing the data about daily activities performed by the adult, indirect conclusions can be made about the physical status of the occupant's organism.

The solution can also monitor for presence of strangeness and unusualness in the behaviour of the elderly person. For example, activities in home at normal bedtime, or leaving the home at unusual times. To determine unusual and strange behaviour, conditions suitable for each specific occupant must be selected, so the algorithm is flexible according to the specific conditions. The behaviour is visualized graphically on a phone, tablet, computer. In case of unusual or strange behaviour, a notification can be sent to the phone of a person or institution that cares for the elderly person.

The quality of sleeping is important for good well being and health. By using the solution, the movements during sleeping are monitored, which indirectly refers to the quality of sleep. Sleep quality is also affected by factors such as light, noise, air quality (CO2, VOC).

The need for help is normal for the elderly. Lack of help on time at frequent falls, which are typical for adults after 60-70 years, is one of the main reasons for the high mortality in this age group. Often fallen people cannot reach a phone and can remain helpless for hours and even days.

By implementation of sensors for a fallen person and panic buttons, the relevant responsible persons can be notified about the need for help due to a falling or worsening of ​​the elderly person.

Continuous measurement of human body temperature is applicable to a person in a relatively stationary position. For example, employees working at computer workplaces- for early detection of COVID-19 signs. Another example is bedridden patients - continuous measuring of their temperature and the GP can monitor it remotely. Also temperature monitoring of young children.

The measured temperature is displayed on a computer, tablet or telephone and at reaching of a limit value a local indication and / or notification is triggered.

The implementation of the "Care" solution in each of its aspects is related to monitoring, requires using of various sensors, and also actuators depending on the included functionalities.

The results are visualized graphically on a phone, tablet, computer, using specialized screens, trends and log files, with registration of time of change of each activity variable. Where applicable, colors or symbols on specialized screens may provide a summary of the status of an observed "activity": missing, normal, low, high.

Notification analysis is performed in the home hub or controller. The notification is made by sending a message to the phones on which the application is installed or via SMS. The notification is forwarded to a close person or institution that has taken care of the elderly (observed) person.

We must note that some of the "Care" functionalities are considered by users to violate their privacy. Therefore, each case is specific. It must be defined as configuration by all users together and in accordance with the norms and regulations in the country. Users in this case are primary users, i.e. the elderly and also the secondary users, i.e. their relatives who take care of them, as well as third-party users such as relevant insurers, social institutions, etc.

Zigbee wireless sensors and actuators

EnOcean wireless sensors and actuators